Principal Message

Principal Cindy Adams

Welcome Back

August 2024

Dear Hudtloff Families, we are looking forward to the 2024-2025 School Year.  The staff are preparing for their August professional development, the custodial staff are finishing getting the building ready, and more.

Please review the information below to support a smooth transition from Summer Break to the start of school.  

6th Grade Orientation: Welcome to Hudtloff for 6th graders/families and new to Hudtloff students/families. This night is to receive information, sign-up for sports, see the school, and more. August 22, 2024, from 5:30PM to 7PM.

Student Class Schedules: Student schedules will be available for viewing on August 23rd, as well as handed out on August 28th (The first day of school).

Fall Sports Sign-Up: August 28th (First Day of School) Fall sports sign-up is open.  Fall Sports: Co-Ed Cross Country, Football (7th and 8th only), Girls Fastpitch, and Boys’ Soccer. If you need support, please call 253.583.5400. l

Hurricane Center: Hudtloff partners with the Lakewood YMCA for afterschool clubs and tutoring.  Students can start signing-up to attend starting August 28th with clubs starting in mid-September.

Required Immunization: Please make sure your student(s) is current with all required immunizations.

Bus Routes:

Up-Date Family Information: Family contact is especially important to support the safety of your student and a strong partnership. Please log into your Family Skyward Access to update any new contact phone numbers, addresses, emergency contacts.  School Supplies: Students will need pencils, paper, 2 Inch Binder, and Backpack.l

First Day of School:  Wednesday, August 28th with doors opening at 8:15AM.  Grade 6 will start their day in the gym for a Welcome to Hudtloff Assembly and meet their Connection teachers. Grades 7 and 8 will start their day in their Connections class. Grades 7 and 8 will locate their Connections classroom on locator lists posted in the common areas of the building. Hudtloff staff will support students in locating their Connections classroom.

Please review the Main/Guidance Office Hours Listed Below:  

  • Hudtloff Main/Guidance Office Hours During Regular School Day: 8:15AM to 4PM 
  • Hudtloff Main/Guidance Office Hours During Late Start Wednesday: 9:15AM to 4PM  

Important Dates:  

August 22 6th Grade Orientation 5:30PM to 7PM
August 28 First Day of School 9AM to 3:30PM
August 28 Fall Sports Sign-Up Starts 9AM @ Hudtloff

During School Operating Hours:

Front Door Entry System: To gain entry to Hudtloff Middle School, families/visitors will need to 1. Ring the Buzzer (Located to the right of the main doors). 2. Show ID/state reason for visit. 3. Doors will unlock for entry.  Please remember No ID/No entry.  

Removing Students Towards the End of The School Day: Hudtloff is focused on ensure all students are successful in their learning.  Class time is especially important to achieving this goal.  Please support your student by scheduling appointments outside of the school day.  Please note that students will not be called out of class in the last 15 minutes of the school day without prior arrangement or an emergency. Students must bring a note to the main office at the start of the school day in order to be released in the last 15 minutes of the school day. This is to support academic time and decrease disruption to the classroom.  Thank you in advance for supporting the learning environment.  

Scheduling Meetings with Teachers/Administration: Please review and follow these steps for schedule a meeting with teachers/administration: 

For Teachers: 

Call or email the teacher to schedule an appointment 
Appointments will be before or afterschool 
Appointment will depend on family’s and teacher’s availability. 


Call 253.583.5400 to schedule appointment 
Appointments will depend on family’s and administrator’s availability. 

Before School Drop-Off & After-School Pick-Up: Families, please help us keep our parking lots safe – WATCH for students. Do not pull into the Bus drop-off/loading area. 

Clover Park School District’s website has an online payments system-inTouch Receipting System.  This is a great way to pay student fees and fines.  It can be located in the Parent section of the website. 

Family Access: View student attendance, grades, and to load lunch account.   

Bus Notes:  Parents, if your student is requesting to ride a different bus home (to go to a friend’s house or other) please send a note.  Your student needs to bring the note to the main office to get approval.  Main office will call you to verify, and an admin will sign.  This needs to be done in the morning or at lunch.  Any note brought to the main office after school leaves little time to verify prior to buses leaving.  Please put your phone number on the note.  

Respectfully Yours, 
Principal Cindy Adams 
Hudtloff Middle School