This week, we’re showing our #CPSDPride with a #SuperSchoolShoutOut to Hudtloff Middle School!
Hudtloff serves more than 600 middle school students who take personal responsibility in developing excellence, more commonly referred to as showing Hurricane PRIDE. To support students in this effort, Hudtloff has PRIDE Lunch to allow students to finish missing assignments and catch up to their peers, PRIDE Homework Club where teachers stay after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays to help students with their work, and PRIDE Day to celebrate the efforts of students with crafts, karaoke, open gym, movies, and more.
In addition to empowering students to take ownership of their academic excellence, Principal Cindy Adams and her team of educators are continually focused on encouraging, elevating and empowering student voice. They provide students with leadership opportunities and chances to share ideas to improve their school throughout the year.
“Community is everything here at Hudtloff,” Principal Adams said. “We foster an environment where everyone has a voice. Students even created our school’s mission and vision, which is the foundation of our school’s culture, to made sure their values were reflected and celebrated in our community.”
Principal Adams also includes students on site council and is passionate about making sure they are not only pupils at the school, but collaborative partners who learn about their role in the educational system and the power their voices have.
To continue our Super School Shoutout to Hudtloff, we'd like to honor seventh grader Cameron Boswell and head secretary and office manager Cassie Webber.
Cameron has settled into middle school life during his second year as a Hurricane. His favorite subjects are English language arts and PE. “I like challenges, and the different games we play are fun,” he said.
Cameron loves socializing during his lunch break and in between classes when he can catch up with friends. He is also a member of many clubs, including Dungeons and Dragons, where he meets with his friends and plays a continuous role-playing game. His character is a dragonborn rouge with stealth and dragon powers.
Cameron dreams of becoming a digital animator when he grows up and hopes to continue developing his artistic skills to work on his own anime one day. “Last year, I was in the anime and gaming club, and it was one of my favorite parts of being at Hudtloff,” he said.
Cassie is a former Hudtloff student and a Clover Park High School graduate. She joined Hudtloff six years ago after discovering she had a passion for working with students in her community. “It’s great to work in the neighborhood I grew up in,” she said. “I see many people I’ve known throughout the years, and now I see their kids at our schools as they grow up and become successful.”
Cassie is ready for anything. She supports teachers, students, families, substitutes, counselors, student nutrition staff, administrators and more. “I like that every day is different, and my goal is to make sure everyone is successful in their own way,” she said.
Cassie loves being a Hurricane and goes the extra mile to uplift her community. She is incredibly proud of how her team has worked together this year and their successful efforts in collecting donations from staff for the Lakewood Fallen Officers Drive.
Go Hurricanes!